Source code for stix2patterns.validator

Validates a user entered pattern against STIXPattern grammar.

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse

from antlr4 import InputStream
import six

from . import DEFAULT_VERSION
from .exceptions import STIXPatternErrorListener  # noqa: F401
from .helpers import brackets_check
from .v20.validator import run_validator as run_validator20
from .v21.validator import run_validator as run_validator21

[docs]def run_validator(pattern, stix_version=DEFAULT_VERSION): """ Validates a pattern against the STIX Pattern grammar. Error messages are returned in a list. The test passed if the returned list is empty. """ if isinstance(pattern, six.string_types): pattern_str = pattern pattern = InputStream(pattern) else: pattern_str = pattern.readline() if stix_version == '2.1': err_messages = run_validator21(pattern) else: err_messages = run_validator20(pattern) if not brackets_check(pattern_str): err_messages.insert( 0, "FAIL: Error found at line 1:0. input is missing square brackets" ) return err_messages
[docs]def validate(user_input, stix_version=DEFAULT_VERSION, ret_errs=False, print_errs=False): """ Wrapper for run_validator function that returns True if the user_input contains a valid STIX pattern or False otherwise. The error messages may also be returned or printed based upon the ret_errs and print_errs arg values. """ errs = run_validator(user_input, stix_version) passed = len(errs) == 0 if print_errs: for err in errs: print(err) if ret_errs: return passed, errs return passed
[docs]def main(): """ Continues to validate patterns until it encounters EOF within a pattern file or Ctrl-C is pressed by the user. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Validate STIX Patterns.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help="Specify this arg to read patterns from a file.", type=argparse.FileType("r")) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', default=DEFAULT_VERSION, help="Specify version of STIX 2 specification to validate against.") args = parser.parse_args() pass_count = fail_count = 0 # I tried using a generator (where each iteration would run raw_input()), # but raw_input()'s behavior seems to change when called from within a # generator: I only get one line, then the generator completes! I don't # know why behavior changes... import functools if args.file: nextpattern = args.file.readline else: nextpattern = functools.partial(six.moves.input, "Enter a pattern to validate: ") try: while True: pattern = nextpattern() if not pattern: break tests_passed, err_strings = validate(pattern, args.version, True) if tests_passed: print("\nPASS: %s" % pattern) pass_count += 1 else: for err in err_strings: print(err, '\n') fail_count += 1 except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass finally: if args.file: args.file.close() print("\nPASSED:", pass_count, " patterns") print("FAILED:", fail_count, " patterns")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()